
Novelist, podcaster and creative adventurer, Nikki began writing her debut novel ‘Pivotal’ whilst working in her recruitment career, having set a goal to inject creativity back into her life. It was a 2020 finalist in both The People’s Book Prize and the Page Turner Awards.
During the pandemic Nikki set up a Facebook community, The Lost Books of Lockdown, to match authors with readers who otherwise would never have met and broadcast 42 live Author Showcases and 10 Business of Books interviews with publishing sector experts.
Having caught the broadcasting bug, she is widening the community and launched The Creative Switch - a podcast which explores the how, what, why and who of creativity and exists to inspire the sensibly successful to connect with and switch on their unexpressed creativity for a more fulfilled life.
Nikki is delighted to have been a judge for the Page Turner 2022 and 2023 Writing Mentorship Award for unpublished writers and is back judging again for the 2024 competition.
Nikki loves talking to her readers at book club events and festivals. She ran writers' workshops at the Herts Book Festival in May 2022 and 2023, as well as chairing authors in conversation talks 'Life and Love' and 'The Rules of Romance'. She is back for 2024 running a workshop on personal branding for authors.
She believes there's no need to put your creative ambition on hold until you retire. She is living proof. You can get there too, one recipe, painting, book, aria at a time. As George Eliot allegedly said, ‘It’s never too late to be who you might have been