
The Adventures of Pebbles, Sox and Carrot is my first novel, having spent the majority of my working life working in IT.

I had a passion for writing at school, but my handwriting always let me down. Then, one day in Secondary school, an English teacher, Miss Maitland, allowed me to start using a printer (unheard of in those days) and was so supportive with my work she wanted to put it forward to competitions. However, the use of the printer was soon banned (assuming resistance that it was unfair for other kids), so I returned to poor handwriting and having most of my work crossed out as unreadable. However, her support has always been my most positive memory of school and was determined one day to go back to the one thing I was most passionate about, writing.

This novel started as a bedtime story I told my kids, about a rabbit that lived at the bottom of the garden. Slowly over time, the story developed each night I told it. Eventually, I decided to develop it into a novel, it was my way of being able to pass the story down the generations. Moreover, I wanted them to have something (maybe a little morbidly) to always remember me by. I work in IT, everything I do is transitory, hidden from them, they have no lasting memory of my work. So, as I read them to sleep, I would take notes during my commute to work I would expand those notes into story and eventually some five years after my children’s first adventure here I am, with my finished book.