Patricia Stone

I don't do photos, so it was only possible to find one with my youngest daughter. Fitting really as she was the one for whom I wrote. I have always liked writing, mostly poetry, short stories and songs as a way of expression. But Imbalance-the gender wars, is my first novel. I am currently writing the follow on Harvest. Imbalance was born out of my daughters anger at school sex education, how under represented her friends were, how friends already borderline suicidal were made even more so by the emphasis that they didn't meet societal criteria. It was a way of projecting a world where exclusion is taken to extremes. Does that really make anything better? Or does tipping the balance wildly just make everything worse? Is there an easy answer? My daughter and her friends loved the book and have been demanding a follow up. So between caring for her seriously ill twin, my terminally ill husband, working and training as a Counsellor I continue writing about conflict and it's impact on individuals.