
Pat Sayer studied history and art history as an undergraduate. She practiced medicine as a naturopathic physician. Later, she taught anatomy and microbiology to pre-med students at Washington State University.

The inspiration for writing her first historical novel came after reading an article tucked inside the archives of the Gettysburg Gazette. The writer recalled the events on her parent's farm after the famous battle in 1863. Such stories were common, yet this one caught Pat's attention. She was hooked.

Her background in history and medicine was of great value in researching culture, health, and medical care in the 19th century. It also deepened her need to understand and feel compassion for those who once lived.

While writing Bend with the Wind, she located the farm where her protagonist had grown up. She found it uncanny that it was only a short drive from where she had lived in Southeastern Michigan.

She now lives in Oregon and is writing the next three books in the series, Follow the Moon.

The antics of her sweet Bengal-Abyssinian cat keep her grounded in the present time.