Gloria Coppola, best selling, award winning author, visionary, life and story development coach and podcast host.
My journey has lead me to my soul purpose, helping others heal and reaching their potential. It's been a journey of love, hardships, insights and awakening and as a result led me to this moment in time when we connect to raise the consciousness on this planet.
Formerly, I owned a holistic center and massage school, recognized for my achievements and honored in the Massage Hall of Fame. It was during these years my writing gifts began to blossom.
Writing has always been my saving grace since I was a young child. During my schools years, I won many awards for poetry, journalism and creative writing; however, I never considered my self a professional writer. Eventually, I became a featured writer in a variety of holistic, spiritual and massage magazines.
I love travel! It was when I went to Egypt, one magazine asked to write a full spread story. I realized I may enjoy this type of writing. The magazine went on to tell me the article published with the most positive feedback on any publication.
Later in life, I was guided to work on a collaborative project. It was this project, gathering twelve woman for a book entitled "Woman Standing Strong Together", that lead me on the path to continue this publishing journey. Since, two other collaborative books have won Book Excellence awards "Breakthrough, wisdom of the soul" and "Awakening the Consciousness of Humanity."
Writing my first fiction story has been a fascinating journey, lots of fun and frustrations which produced a story, I feel will guide people through their many losses and loves in life with a new perspective.