My name is Rosie Beattie and I have worked as an English and Drama teacher for the majority of my career which has definitely informed my writing. I also have a background in theatre having worked as both an actor and director. I have a keen interest in film and have enjoyed writing LEMON SHERBET with the visual in mind. I am currently working as an English and Drama teacher in an international school in Dubai. I return to the UK permanently in early July. Living in an Arabic speaking country has influenced my writing as I have set a section of my novel in Marrakech. My family is still resident in the UK, and having this time apart has provided me with the time and space to bring my first novel to realisation. I am starting to work on a sequel, and I am intending that it will explore a significant but more minor character in this first novel. I am intending to link elements of both plots, so the reader experiences some events from an alternate perspective.

All writer’s believe strongly in their stories, and I really feel I might have written something which could be commercially successful. It is a very visual novel, and I wrote it this way having a theatre/film background.

Email: Mobile: UK: 07596796210/UAE +971 585802670