Sudden Widow

My first book, SUDDEN WIDOW, A True Story of Love, Grief, Recovery, and How Badly It CAN Suck! recounts my happiest and most trying times as a wife and widow. This debut memoir offers validation, support, and even humor to help other widows and widowers navigate life after tragic loss.

I am a lifelong writer, a Ph.D. in Psychology, a Senior Adjunct Professor, and a devoted mother to my two sons. Following SUDDEN WIDOW, I began writing my second book, which continues the theme of personal memoir balanced with a sometimes-hilarious guide through sad, muddy waters. Book Two focuses on being a relatively young widow, single motherhood, and even more outrageous dating stories.

In addition to working on a sequel, I also write poetry, articles, and educational lectures (most recently: Grief and the Brain). I plan to continue writing in all formats and hope that my experiences coupled with my education offer a bit of comfort to all of my readers.