Tonida Roggetz

My name is Tonida Roggetz. I am 58 years old, married for 38 years with 3 children all grown up and 3 grandchildren. I am a Real Estate agent, cosmetologist, and a construction worker. My goal was to write my first book, my ultimate goal is to see it in print. My biggest achievement is my children. Second biggest achievement would see all my books (8+) in print. I love to write, it puts me in my own little world. I would jot down my ideas anywhere I could. Honestly, mostly on roofs (paper roofing wrappers at that time). Windy up there, chased a lot of wrappers. My first book is complete, it is a four book series. My website, Facebook and twitter are for my Real Estate. I do not have anything for my writing. I am just a mom who loves to read books for as long as I can remember and decided to write my stories down many years ago. I did nothing with my books because my kids came first. Now that I can, I figured I give it a go. I did hire a Reedsy editor which I loved.