
My journey to becoming an author took over seventy years, and it started in high school – a requirement if I wanted to play football and baseball. Mr. Smith, my literature teacher, was intrigued when I aced his essay test after six weeks of saying nothing in class. And so, he asked me how I did so well. My answer was simply that, “I’d listened.” He asked if I read books, and I answered honestly, “No.” So, he handed me a copy of a book, “The Catcher in the Rye,” suggesting I might like it. I took it and actually read it, anxiously waiting for the baseball part that would surely be in a book with that title. I’d been tricked but kick-started to a lifetime of reading.

I enjoyed two careers over fifty years that afforded me not only the opportunity to read voraciously on my thousands of flights (seriously) but also to learn so much about people, cultures, business, and life. I worked for an international airline and lived in five U.S. cities, three countries, and worked all over the world. My other career was as an international management consultant, working in and flying between thirty plus countries.

Not surprisingly, upon retirement, I decided to write. FINAL NOTICE was my first thriller, and a sequel, FINAL ACT, will be out in April 2020. I split my time between Carpinteria, California, and Simorre, France, with my partner (and editor), Jackie Morris, and our goldendoodle, Yogi.