Wendy Turner

Hello Again,

This is my Fourth year of entering the Mentorship Award as I continue with my degree in the background and learn the craft of creative writing. I hope that one day, I will find a mentor within the industry and the courage that my words will be read as an author.

For this year's entry, I have edited the structure and submitted 3000 words from the opening chapters for Part 1 and Part 2.

Part 1 - Unprecedented

Looks into the world of Wendy and the imaginary conversations with her recently deceased Mum and, the relationship that unfolded with her Father before and during the Covid Pandemic, and how being Excluded from all Government Support Packages through the pandemic led her to take 14 Zopiclone to get to sleep but woke in A & E Corridor. With her world shattered and now homeless and hearing that 37 other self-employed Business owners took their lives, Wendy takes a second chance at life even though her head, heart, and soul were broken.

Part 2 – Everyone Needs A Wendy

Wendy relocates to Somerset to mend. The reader follows Wendy from her birth and the catalogue of memories, music, and laughter that come to her as she goes through her deceased parents' belongings and the adventure of resilience from her council estate upbringing and comprehensive 80s schooling to her global career flying first class, through to her Covid Nightmare and how, after taking 14 tablets, her parents' memories and her ancestors help her learn to find peace and security for the first time in her 50 years, amongst the Level Lands of Somerset.

With Smiles,
