
My first, yet to be published novel, The Back Tulip, was inspired by the landscape and legends of Border Country. Ancient tales and ballads are still recalled here, which made me wonder about the possibility of timeslip. Having researched Celtic belief in 'Thin Places' it played with my imagination and led me to, the writings of the Etterick Shepherd ,who probably created the first serial killer novel. .

Along side researching and writing this novel I am also busy with the Alnwick Story Fest, a storytelling event to inspire, uplift and delightfully entertain. The day job - I create and deliver of business training often writing simulation playlets to ensure the training feels real.

My aim is to write a sequel to The Black Tulip and my dream is for it to become a TV series, because the setting is exciting and the characters intriguing because they all have something to hide.

I live in Northumberland, close to the Scottish Borders in a Norman village in an area of outstanding natural beauty.