Writing Advice

All writers, at any stage of their writing journey or at any stage of their writing career, needs to follow writing advice. We often find exceptional advice that helps writers to hone the craft of writing and storytelling. Here's some articles that we'd like to share with you.

Mind Blogging Story Structure

Source: http://www.poeticnoyes.com/category/story-structure/

This image looks like a child has scribbled all over their parent's story structure, but it's not. It is in fact the 6 emotional story

Deciding Your Novels Length

Source: https://fictionformula.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Determine-Novel-Length...

Writers planning a new novel have a standard formula they use and they go straight to their story structure

12 Point Heros Journey

Source: https://writinggoals.com/pimp-my-fiction-free-book

Intrigued and fascinated by mythology, author Joseph Campbell studied the myths of many cultures. He claimed that nearly all myths, and

Secrets To Creating A Dynamic Character Arc

Source: https://bit.ly/WG-CDCAww

During this Writing Workshop, Secrets To Creating A Dynamic Character Arc, you will learn that the secret to a successful story is NOT the plot. It's the character

What Is Story Theme

What Is your story REALLY all about? Reedsy says on their infographic below, that Story Theme is all about driving the story from deep beneath the surface.

According to successful screenwriter and

Uniting Story Structure And Characters

Source: https://writinggoals.com/pimp-my-fiction-free-book

Michael Hauge goes one step further by saying the best heroes must achieve two compelling goals: an outer journey of accomplishment; and a

Structure Your Novel

Source: https://writinggoals.com/pimp-my-fiction-free-book

Plotting and structuring a novel is like driving a car without driving lessons. Or like building a skyscraper on a shed’s foundations.

Write Villains Readers Will Love To Hate

Source: https://penandparent.com/how-to-write-villains/

All writers want to write memorable and believable villains that readers love to hate. But how do you create a remarkable villain with depth

Online Etymology Dictionary For Historical Fiction Writers

Source: https://www.etymonline.com

The Online Etymology Dictionary is an absolute must for Historical Fictions writers.

For new writers who may not have heard this before, Dictionary explains

How To Evoke Character Emotion

ource: https://bit.ly/WG-eceww

During this Writing Workshop, How to Evoke Character Emotion in Every Scene, you will learn that emotion is the thread that binds readers to your characters’

8 Point Story Arc

Source: https://writinggoals.com/pimp-my-fiction-free-book

This all sounds extremely formulaic, but it doesn’t have to be. Yes, having some kind of basic structure woven around your novel and plot

5 Rules Every First Time Author Needs To Know

Writing a novel is something that many writers (amateur or professional) dream of doing, but most never actually achieve. It’s a long and arduous process, and a journey of self-discovery — if you

Top Seven Mistakes Writes Make When Writing

Proofreader, Karen Miller, often reads a book and spots proofreading errors that niggle at her. She's kindly submitted a guest article to Page Turner Awards to help our writers from making the same

3 Acts Your Story Structure Needs

Source: https://writinggoals.com/pimp-my-fiction-free-book

One good place to start is a simple 3 Act Structure where you have a beginning, middle and end with lots of plot points within each act.

How To Create A Logline For Writers

A logline conveys the dramatic story of a film or book in the most abbreviated manner possible. It's the briefest summary showing both your plot and hook to stimulate interest. Just Google 'logline'

How Freelance Writers Could Get Work Using IG

At first, the Instagram platform may not seem that helpful for every freelance writer. Writers are about words, but Instagram is about photos, right? Yeah, yes. I have found that IG provides me a

Learning How Write Killer Thriller

Source: http://getBook.at/The-Grottos-Secret

In all the craft of writing books I have read and reviewed on my writing blog, U Self-Publish, I gain so much knowledge and understanding of what makes