
Other submissions by Shuqi Chen:
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Unconditional Love (Drama, Screenplay Award 2023)
Award Category
Manuscript Type
Logline or Premise
Molar, a grumpy tooth, who is also the Captain of the teeth team, fails the landing mission from the space to his owners mouth.
After internal strife, external discrimination, orthodontics, several decades of ups and downs with the owner, he finally knows his mission, and the owner, who has ignored his health finally sees Molar, finally see himself.
In the end, Molar becomes a real mature team leader. He knows his mission is done, and as the innermost tooth in the mouth, he takes the leaving as the beginning of his new journey out of the mouth.
First 10 Pages


Chapter 1

Sunshine comes in through the window, shining bright on a big white butt. He is Molar, the Captain of the permanent teeth team. He turns over in bed, stretches himself and sees a clock on the wall, it`s 6 o'clock, he sits up and blows the whistle.

Welcome to the teeth basement in the space, there are 16 bunk beds and 32 teeth with different body shapes in the dorm, all of them have four legs and two hands, and their eyes can do 360-degree rotation, which means they can see every angle. Now snoring, yawning, grumbling, noises are full of in the air.

“Get up, get up, you all lazy bones!” Molar walks in the aisle, waves a feathered whip and shakes each bed to wake teeth up by his irritable voice, “Just by looking at your ugly sleeping faces, makes me feel like I was still in my nightmare! Up, up, up!”

Everest has the longest legs, one of them hangs down from the upper berth, just right in front of the face of Bucket, who is a chub tooth chewing a candy bar.

“Everest! Disgusting! When was the last time you washed your feet?” Bucket covers his nose.

“Haha,” Everest laughs, “Sorry Bucket, I forgot you don't like curry, how about ketchup?” Another foot of Everest`s hangs down.

“Captain, someone is ruining the fresh air!” Bucket vomits, he turns to Molar to complain.

“Fresh air? I am going show you what the fresh air is!” Molar opens the window, wind comes in, it blows some blankets away, some teeth grab sheet to cover their bodies.

A slogan gets louder and louder, they are Hit Ground, a dancing team with four teeth members, now they are doing push-ups on the ground and shouting, “Hit ground! Hit ground! Hit! Hit! Hit! And Hit ground!”

Slim checks his muscles in front of a mirror with an arrogant expression on his face. Another tooth passes by, he is Dummy, Slim stops him, “Dummy, what words would you like to describe my muscles?” There is a white board and a pen hanging down on Dummy`s chest from his neck, he takes the pen and starts to write something down: b-e-a-u-

“Beautiful? Stop it, beautiful is a boring word to describe me.” Slim stops Dummy. Dummy puts the white board down and he stares at Slim.

“Haha, sorry, I forgot you can’t talk, but you look more hilarious when you can`t argue back.”

“Watch your mouth, Slim.” Another tooth stands up for Dummy, he is Elephant.

“Watch my mouth? Haha, Elephant, even though you are as big, still, you can`t be the Captain.” Slim raises his arms.

“I am not here for titles; I am here for muscles.” Elephant raises his arms, too. Slim runs away. Dummy is disappointed, he turns his head to another tooth, Shadow.

Shadow is a tooth who's a victim of bully, now he is wrapped by a blanket and crouches in the corner of the wall, staying away from others is his way to feel safe.

There are four wisdom teeth who are busy doing their own stuffs. Chemist, he is taking tins, bottles, tubes, and other chemical experiment tools out of a box; Columbus, he is lying in bed, head on his arms, a book on his chest - Great Voyage of 1492, he is looking at the map of the earth that sticked on the bed plank of upper berth and imagines, there is ambitious fireworks in his eyes; Painter, he is holding a brush and painting himself; Sleepy, he is sleeping with a pillow in his arms, snoring and drooling in bed.

Chapter 2

Bath time.

This is a gum-like shelves with two stories stands on the ground in the bathroom. There are two rows of numbers on the top and bottom of shelves, one row is for positions of teeth, another row is for showers nozzles.

The bathroom is huge but empty, only Molar stands on the shelves, with an impatient expression on his face, frown, arm crossed, there is a number 31 under his feet.

Bang! The door opens, noises and teeth pour in. Everest turns somersaults, some teeth make cheer. Other teeth push Bucket and make him like a spinning top. Hit Ground dances in. Shadow, wrapped with his blanket, walks with his head down along the wall carefully. Sleepy walks with his eyes closed, like a sleepwalker. Teeth go to the shelves; Molar steps down from the shelves, goes to the ground and watches at chaos with anger in his eyes.

Teeth look for their numbers by pushing and shoving each other, Bucket sees an empty position with a number, he stands on it quickly, but a leg hangs down in front of his nose, he looks up and see Everest hanging up on a shower head and staring at him, “Move, Bucket, this is my position. You are at the lower story.” Bucket gets down but no room for him, he holds a candy bar in his hand and comes to Molar with an unhappy face, “I can't find my position, Captain.”

“You can’t?” Molar raises his voice, “I have told you more than 50 times! You just know how to upload candy bar but no brain!”

Bucket bursts into tears, Molar keeps yelling, “Swallow your tears! You giant baby!” Bucket brakes, looks down and licks his candy bar to comfort himself.

“Move! Move!” Hit Ground shouts. Teeth turn to them and see they are cleaning the way and announcing, “Front Teeth Bros is on the house!” FTB (short for Front Teeth Brothers) arrives, both of them wear sunglasses and bathrobes, like twins of Kanye West.

Some teeth are excited, some teeth are afraid, Shadow walks slowly, he is in the way, FTB-L(left) kicks Shadow`s back, and leaves a dusty footprint, Molar runs to Shadow, erases the dusty footprint, and checks his body to see if he is okay, “Okay, no cracks.” Molar reliefs, he holds Shadow and look at FTB with anger in his eyes, FTB comes to their positions - upper and middle, and shakes off their bathrobes. Hit Ground stands at lower and catches bathrobes with admire expressions. Slim hands over a microphone to FTB-R(right), FTB-R cleans his throat. Molar guides Shadow to stand next to FTB-L, that is Shadow's position, but Shadow holds Molar's hand not letting him go.

“Where are your guts?!” Molar yells at Shadow impatiently, after that, he turns to FTB-L, “Listen, no violence, if he got hurt --”

“If he got hurt, it means he is not strong enough.” FTB-L stops Molar, Hit Ground and Slims laugh and whistles.

“Not strong enough is better than not kind enough.” Everest makes eyes rolling.

“Oi, you, get down if you dare!” FTB-L shouts back.

“Dare?”, Molar gets mad, “If you dare to touch anyone in our team, you --”

“Captain is threatening us!” FTB-L shouts on purpose.

Water comes down from shower nozzle above his head, FTB-L inhales some water, teeth laugh at him, FTB-L shakes his face to drop off water, he is flustered and exasperated.

All teeth find their own position and stands on the number, water down, shower nozzles spit bath cream and turn into brushes to clean teeth bodies. Then, shower nozzles turn into dryers to dry every tooth, all teeth are shining like brand new, they sniff each other with smiles on their faces.

Later, they all look up and open mouths, shower nozzles turn into feeders and drop colorful cream into teeth mouths, teeth get satisfaction.

Chapter 3

Teeth live in the space, but meanwhile their owner lives on the earth, he is Peter, an 8-year-old boy. Peter is a fan of taekwondo, now he wears taekwondo uniform, sits on the ground, and watches the match: Lily, an 8-year-old girl is fighting with another boy. The boy loses the game, the coach holds Lily's hand and asks, “Lily wins! Who is the next?”

“Me!” Peter stands up.

“Excellent, warrior Peter!” The coach smiles.

Peter comes to Lily, they bow to each other and start. Several arounds, Lily lifts her leg and kicks to Peter's cheek.

“Ouch!” Peter holds his cheek and stops the match.

“I am sorry, Peter.” Lily is panic.

All players come around Peter, he opens his mouth, licks his teeth, and spits out the blood, and a little tooth.

In the evening, Peter got home, he brushes his teeth and checks them in the bathroom, some baby teeth have gone and left empty holes there. He goes to bed, his mom and dad cover him the quilt, his dad handles the tooth, Peter puts the tooth under his pillow.

“Mom, Can I stay home tomorrow?” Peter asks.

“Why? You don't feel well? Mom touches his forehead to check his temperature.

“I lost my tooth.” Peter puts his hand under the pillow to touch his tooth.

“You will get a new one, sweetheart.” His dad says.

“You have said that several times, but when?” Peter says reluctantly and turns off the light.

The sun is up.

In the teeth basement, there is a sports game in the stadium. Javelin throwing, weight throwing, cheers, full of audiences who are teeth babies, but the sports players are Molar and his team.

Molar stands at the starting line, a whistle in one hand, a flag in other hand. It is 800 meters racing, 26 teeth wait there, FTB stands in front, they look at the track, can’t wait to run. Molar lifts the flag, he is about to blow the whistle, FTB runs out like two bullets, the rest teeth follow quickly.

“False start! False start! You all come back!” Molar shouts, but no one listens.

FTB pulls away, Everest rescues the second place, Bucket breaths hardly and sits on the track. Hit Ground and Slim beat and fall.

“Don’t get hurt.” Molar keeps shouting, even though he is angry, still worried their safety.

Finish line, FTB hits the line with their chests, they wave hands to audiences. Everest makes faces to the Steadicam, the big screen shows his faces and audiences laugh.

“A team without rules!” Molar looks at these, shakes his head and tells himself. He turns to audiences and sees four wisdom teeth siting on seats: Chemist is writing something on a note, Columbus is reading the book Great Voyage of 1492, Painter is brushing the pallet, Sleepy is snoring.

“Oi! You all get down!” Molar gets angrier.

Chemist shows his note, there are many chemical formulas, he points to his head, “We are wisdom teeth, we don't do physical things.”

“Team spirit, we are a team!” Molar points to the ground. But Painter points to a corner, “Well, but you better expand your horizons.”

Molar follows the sight, he sees Shadow being wrapped by his blanket and siting in a corner, eyes are empty.

Suddenly, music on, FTB sings on the center stage, Hit Ground dances, Everest hangs up on the pole vault and spins, Bucket waves with the music, all baby teeth audiences stand up, party time, the game turns into a concert. Molar gets frustrated, he drops the whistle and the flag, Elephant comes to him and reaches out, Molar stops him, refuses this hug, and walks away.

Midnight, teeth fall asleep and snore in the dorm, Molar opens his eyes, turns over, anxiously. He looks at the window, all of sudden, he sees a light like a meteor, he sits immediately and blows the whistle – Alarm.

It is emergency gathering, all teeth get up immediately and run out of the dorm. Upper teeth stand on the stairs, lower teeth stand on the ground. Some yawn, some close eyes, all are sleepy.

“Count off!” Molar shouts.

Silence, no one says 1. It starts from lower teeth. Molar looks at the lower teeth, 1 should be Chemist, but Chemist is not in the line, he is a little panic, but every soon, he calms and raises his voice, “Start from 2!”

“2,3,4…” Teeth start to do the count off. Meanwhile, Molar checks the team, frowns, he leaves the line snakingly and back to the dorm.

A foot walks in the dorm room, Molar comes in. He sees Chemist is drinking something from a bottle with a label on: Invisible Water.

“You can't see me, you can't see me, right?” Chemist is in panic voice. Molar does not answer, a brush falls from the above, he looks up and sees Painter riding on the beam and shaking. He picks up the brush but sees Columbus hiding under the bed and covering his face by the book, the Great Voyage of 1492.

“15,16,17…” Teeth outside keep doing count off, sounds come from the dorm, shout, bottles fall on the ground, crying, begging, all teeth get shocked and look at each other, they don't know what’s happening.

Molar runs out of the dorm, back in the line and shouts out his number, “31!”

Chemist runs out of the dorm, followed by Columbus and Painter in rush, they shout their number separately, “1”, “17”, ”32”.

Bing! A big sound comes from the behind. All teeth look back, they see Sleepy got stuck just at the door, carrying his bed, and he is still snoring, they all laugh.

“Quiet!” Molar shouts. All quiet, they look at the front, there is a lady standing in front of them, she is Tooth Fairy, “I am sorry kids, I have to wake you guys up now, because, your owner is waiting, time to go.”

Teeth are surprised, FTB waves their hands like kings, Slim whistles happily, Hit Ground dances, Molar is worried, he looks at Tooth Fairy, “But, but we are not ready.” Tooth Fairy doesn't answer, but she just smiles.

“I have a question, Tooth Fairy.” Everest raises his hand, “The owner, is he or she?”

“A boy, Peter, 8 years old.”

“A boy, but we want a girl.” Hit Ground is disappointed, “Yes, we want more beautiful clothes for dance, we want to be prettier with that red stuff.”

“That's called lipstick, you idiot.” FTB-L gives them a stare.

Bucket is excited, he rubs his belly, “How about human food taste like?”

Everest thinks a bit, “Not all food is delicious I heard.”

Slim warns Bucket, “Watch your stomach, Bucket, if you get bigger and to take more space, I would like to kick you out of the mouth.”

Shadow falls in a faint, Molar gives him breath, he wakes and ask in low voice, “I don`t want to stand next to FTB permanently, Can I change my position, Captain?”

Molar is sad, he turns to Tooth Fairy, she touches Shadow`s face, with lots of empathy in her eyes, but doesn't say anything, Molar knows the answer, “I am sorry, Shadow, you were born to stand next to them.”

Molar and Shadow turns to teeth, they see FTB is dancing with other teeth happily. Molar looks down, disappointed, then he looks at the Tooth Fairy, “How long?”

Tooth Fairy looks at Molar, she opens her mouth and wants to answer, but a huge sound comes from the sky, they all look up and see a big helicopter is hovering and landing slowly.

Parachutes, helmets, all teeth are ready, they run to the helicopter to get aboard. Molar is the last one, he turns around and looks at Tooth Fairy, then he loads into the helicopter. Gates closes, the helicopter takes off.

Chapter 4

All 32 teeth sit together on the ground in the helicopter, no one talks, silence. Molar looks down the window, he sees Tooth Fairy waving her hand to him, and the basement is getting smaller and smaller, till disappear. The night is very dark, later, the pilot`s voice is on the radio: Prearranged altitude arrive, ready to jump.

Molar stands up and opens the gate, he looks at teeth, some are panic, some are excited. Molar raises the flag and puts the whistle to his lips, when he is about to blow, FTB comes over and pushes Molar away and jumps into the dark sky, “False start! Careful!” Molar holds the gate, shouts at their backs.

Everest comes to the gate, takes out his pole, and vaults. Hit Ground puts their hands on each other’s shoulders, “Hit ground! Hit ground! Hit! Hit! Hit! And Hit ground!” They jump into the sky. Bucket rubs his belly, ready to jump, but Slim jumps a queue, “I go first, remember, do not take more space, or I will kick you out of the mouth.” Bucket cries, Molar stops him, “Stop crying! Go, go!” Bucket and other teeth jump out one by one.

Shadow holds the gate, shaking, he grabs his blanket, and looks at Molar, begs by his eyes. Molar avoids his eyes, “I am sorry Shadow, it is what it is.” Molar looks down, he breaks Shadow's hands from the gate. Shadow falls into the sky silently.

Molar is sad, then he looks at the cabin, there are only four wisdom teeth siting there: Chemist, Columbus, Painter, Sleepy. They refuse to jump, hold each other together, pretend not to be seen by Molar, Molar becomes angry, he walks to them, but radio is on: Homebound, one minute.

Molar stops, a book falls out of Columbus's pack, it is the Great Voyage of 1492, “You'd never be Columbus!” After saying that, Molar walks to the gate, he looks at the dark sky, takes a breath, closes his eyes and jumps.

Chemist, Columbus, Painter and Sleepy crawl to the gate to check Molar, they see nothing but a dark sky, they relief and stand, but the plane turns around and inclines, Chemist, Painter and Sleepy slip into the sky with big screams. Later, the plane is back to horizontal position and flies back. Giant sky, a small plane, a smaller gate, a smallest tooth holds the gate and stands there lonely, it`s Columbus.

In the sky, teeth close their eyes and fall rapidly, FTB keeps eyes open, takes the lead, falls fast, Molar opens eyes, too, he watches every tooth carefully.

“Stage one, parachuters!” Molar shouts and gives the order.

Every tooth releases their parachuter, 32 parachuters bloom in the sky, teeth open eyes and look at the stars and the moon curiously, stars and the moon look at them with smiles on their faces.

FTB sings, Hit Ground dances, Bucket spins, Everest walks on the stars like an acrobat, Elephant comes to the moon hits it slightly by his butt. A cloud comes to Molar and wants to carry him, like gives him a ride. “Get out of my way, Cloud!” Molar is nervous. “Oops, get it, you are not a fun lover, Mr. Serious.” Cloud shrinks and gets out of Molar's way rapidly, it moves to Bucket, expands its body and carries Bucket, Bucket enjoys it and spins around with laughs.

All of sudden, lightning hits and thunder roars. Teeth are panic, the wind blows them everywhere. “Stay calm! Keep the line!” Molar shouts. No one listens to him, storm, all teeth get wet, FTB shakes off the rain drops from their faces, excitedly, Chemist and Sleepy pass out.

“Upper teeth heads to down! Lower teeth legs to down!” Molar shouts another order. Some upper teeth roll 180 degrees with head to down and legs to the sky. Some teeth keep rolling because they forget who they are because of the fear. Bucket shakes its body, try to roll but can't make it happen.

“You are lower tooth, Bucket, you don't need to do that! Just keep your body straight.” Everest reminds.

“Stage two, transform!” Molar shouts.

All parachutes disappear, all teeth's hands disappear. Some teeth's four legs become three legs, or become two, Molar's four legs become three legs. Suddenly, all legs send up flame, full speed with huge power.

“Full speed!” Molar is decisive.

All teeth keep two lines to fall, but the lines are curve, Hit Ground puts their hands on each other's shoulders because of the fear, like a circle, FTB falls very fast excitedly.

In front of teeth, there is a pink world, it is the color of Peter's Gum.

Meanwhile, Peter is sleeping, his lips are parted slightly. There are some baby teeth standing inside.

Teeth are keep falling, again, Molar shouts the order, “Stage three, landing!”

Teeth land one by one: FTB aims to their positions, FTB-F sees there is a shadow standing his position, it is a baby tooth. FTB breaks through upper dental bed, FTB-L uses his head to kick the baby tooth out, and got himself blood on his face, he licks the blood, FTB looks at the room with big excitement and curiosity.

Shadow sees FTB standing there, he is afraid, he adjusts his landing posture and tries to move to aside, but what he is doing shocks Everest who is landing, too. Everest shouts, “Move! Shadow! Move! It is my position! Go back to your position!”

Shadow hears, but he is too afraid, he steps back in the air, too late, Shadow roots one leg into Everest's position. In order not to hit Shadow, Everest body stuck in the gum, only his head and half of the body come out. And Shadow, hides behind Everest.

Hit Group does not lose their hands in time because of fear, they keep the circle and land directly.

Slim is ready to land, he gives the last waring to Bucket, “Inhale! BUCKET! Inhale! Make more room for me!” Bucket is too panic, he does not know how to inhale, he falls and occupies more space, Slim has to land sideway, his face faces Bucket.

Chemist and Sleepy fall in the gum and disappear, Painter opens his eyes in the gum, witnesses Chemist and Sleepy`s falling, he got shocked and decides to hide in the gum.

Molar's head breaks through the upper dental bed and roots on the innermost position. He looks around anxiously, “Is everyone here?”

No reply but noise, crying and screams.

FTB-L hear Molar, he shouts, “We are here, wait, where are you FTB-R?”

“I am here, why are you not next to my shoulder? Where are them?” FTB-R finds something is wrong. FTB-L checks right and left, “I don't know, why is there a space between us? Where is Shadow? He is supposed to stand with me, Shadow?” FTB-R looks around, they become buck teeth, he knows the reason, but he does not speak it out.

“Hello?” Molar shouts again, but many teeth are focusing on their own troubles. Everest is blaming Shadow, “Gosh, Shadow, you are taking half my place and hiding my back.”

“Hush, please.” Shadow asks Everest to keep quiet.

“But if you don’t come out, I can`t land down.” Everest says.

“I don’t want FTB to find me.” Shadow closes his eyes.

“Aww, got it, you are fine here.” Everest understands, “I will support you because you are behind me.” Everest makes a joke to relax.

“No! No! No! Told you to inhale!” Slim is yelling at Bucket.

“I heard you said exhale.” Bucket says.

“Come on! You are stupid, you just care about your big stomach! Now I have to stand like this and look at you all time! Gosh, just smelling your mouth can make me get hyperglycemia!”

Hit Ground is having an internal argument.

“A circle, not a row?”

“You should have put your hand down from my shoulder!”

“I know, I was too scared...”

“You scared? But you make our group looks messy!”


“Your apology is too late!”

“Is there any chance to make it right?”

“No chance, we are permanent teeth!”

More and more noises come to Molar`s ears. He can’t take any longer, “Count off!”

Still, no one listens, Molar gets panic, he opens his eyes and mouth, tries to figure out what's going on, but it is too dark to see everything clear.

Suddenly, the alarm clock is ringing, all teeth get shocked, they never heard it before.

Peter moves his head from one side to another side. Teeth feel it is like a roller coaster, some scream, some vomit. Molar looks up and down, tries to stay balance.

Peter presses the clock, opens his mouth and yawns, some sunshine come into the mouth, FTB close their eyes. Peter gets up and goes to the bathroom. He squeezes some toothpaste out a tube, opens his mouth, and screams. Mom and dad come in. They see Peter pointing his teeth, his permanent teeth arrive. Mom shows him a mirror, he pulls his checks aside and see what all teeth look like. All teeth see themselves in the mirror, too, they are crowed, irregular, disorder, teeth widen their eyes, and open mouths, they don't believe what they see, either.

Peter cries, mom holds him into arms, “Oh, sweetheart.” “They are not what I expected.” Peter says. Teeth are disappointed, Molar looks down. “I know, mom got it.” Mom rubs his head, they hug each other for a while. Dad checks the watch, “We need to hurry.” He handles Peter the toothbrush, Peter puts it into his mouth.

“What's this? A stick? Not comfortable at all.” FTB-L complains.

“I miss the shower in the basement!” Slim adds.

“Can't believe I have to share this stick with all of you!” FTB-L vomits.

“Brush me more! I like this feeling!” Everest is itchy and happy.

Molar let the brush touch himself quietly, water comes in, all teeth feel like drowning.

“Gosh! Cold water! Not friendly at all!” FTB-L shouts.

“Haha! A real warrior can have a cold shower! Excited!” Everest laughs.

“Can't believe I have to go through these, I am the VIP!” FTB-L keeps shouting.

“Was, thanks.” Everest makes fun of FTB-L

“Everest, how dare –”

“Enough!” Molar stops them.

Quiet, a tummy sound breaks the silence, it is Bucket, “Where is the food?”

Peter goes to the kitchen and sits by the table. Breakfast, food and orange juice are served, FTB looks at them curiously, a lovely voice comes from the mouth, it is Tongue, “White is milk, yellow is orange juice, brown is coffee, over there, it is –"

“Who is speaking?” FTB-L stops him.

“Me, Tongue, but you can call me Taste Master.”

“Taste Master?”

“Yes, I taste everything for Peter, now, it is sweet.” Peter drinks the orange juice.

“Delicious! What is the next?” Bucket is satisfied.

“Delicious, do you have more words to describe Bucket? You are illiteracy.” FTB-L stops him.

“How do you know these tastes, Tongue? “Bucket is curious.

“Because I am a local.”

“A local?” FTB-L asks?

“Yes, I have been here since the first day Peter was born, not a new immigrant.”

FTB feels they are insulted and discriminated, they look at each other, and decides to give Tongue a lesson.

“Which one is good to try next?” FTB-L pretends to care.

“I prefer bacon.” Tongue is excited.

“Where is it?”

“The red one, on the plate.”

Peter picks up a bacon, Tongue comes out to meet it, but when he is just right between the upper teeth and lower teeth, FTB bites him immediately.

“Ouch!” Peter covers his mouth by hand.

“No!” Molar knows something is going wrong.

Tongue goes back ASAP, and shrinks himself in the mouth, shaking, FTB shows a bad smile, Peter stretches Tongue, it is bleeding, he cries again, “I don't like them.”

FTB stops smiling, teeth open their mouth and disappointedly, Molar closes his eyes sadly, “I am sorry, Tongue.” Tongue holds himself; some teeth look at FTB in anger.

Submission file