Patrick Eades

Patrick Eades is a writer from Sydney, Australia.

Growing up, he spent his free time reading, on sporting fields, and getting up to mischief in the National Park.

After school, Patrick found himself in a variety of jobs. He was a baker, pizza delivery driver and shelf stacker before realising he wanted to help people in a more meaningful way.

He studied as a physiotherapist, and has enjoyed this career for the last decade. Specialising in aged care, he has spent large amounts of time in hospitals, as well as visiting the most vulnerable older people in their homes.

The stories told by these people ignited Patrick’s own passion for storytelling, and the numerous accounts of loneliness and loss of purpose were the instigator for his debut novel. Through the years, he has found humour to be a much more effective medicine than the exercises his clients regularly ignore.

Patrick’s writing has appeared in a number of literary publications and anthologies, both in Australia and overseas, such as ACE III: Arresting, Contemporary stories by Emerging writers, published by Recent Work Press, The Westchester Review, and has been shortlisted for The Bath Flash Fiction Award. He also has a blog on, where he publishes humour and fiction.

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