DW Long

DW Long is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a passion for helping children step into their best selves. As a rather precocious and sensitive child, learning to find a calm place inside himself was not a skill that DW was taught, as is the story with so many children from various backgrounds around the world. It is his sincere hope that his children’s books will help kids develop the precious skill of finding a calm place inside themselves when life presents difficult moments.

Throughout his career as a psychotherapist, DW has worked with thousands of children and adults who have experienced trauma and have needed support learning how to self-regulate when difficult emotions are present. Bringing mindful attention to the breath can help this process along and it is this basic principle of mindfulness that is infused into all of his work as an author.

DW lives with his partner on the west coast of Scotland where he is inspired by the natural beauty and warmth of the people with every passing day. His happy place is directly connected to his abundant love for the great outdoors in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. You will most often find him hiking somewhere in the highlands or swimming and paddle boarding in the North Atlantic right outside his front door.

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