Jayne Doxtater

Jayne Doxtater was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba and currently resides in the West Kootenay region of British Columbia, Canada. A business owner and esthetician of 40 years, she is now semi-retired and loves spending time outdoors. A self-proclaimed tree hugger and chocolate lover, Jayne is the proud nana of twin granddaughters and a grand puppy. In addition to finding solace in nature, she loves to curl up with a good book!

"I wrote this book as a method of healing, not only for myself but also for others who have experienced different kinds of loss. This story isn’t something I’ve often seen nor heard: the journey alongside a person who is transitioning, from the point of view of the family, or in my case, the partner. My intention was to honestly recount my experiences, and tell my story from a place of love."

Award Category
Book Award Sub-Category
Golden Writer
The Box in the Closet
My Submission


Stuart Wakefield Thu, 31/08/2023 - 15:10

The part I connected with the most was the protagonist's inner struggle between trying to understand her husband's motivations and dealing with the guilt and confusion of the situation. You did a great job of conveying the protagonist's pain and confusion without making the character seem too pitiable or too strong. You also conveyed the protagonist's inner struggle in a way that was both subtle and emotionally resonant.

Jennifer Bisbing Mon, 04/09/2023 - 22:24

For many, it is not possible for "life to go back to normal" after lies and trauma. Your memoir gives voice to pain and isolation in a profoundly meaningful way. Walking through the suffering, acknowledging, “It’s the dishonesty that upsets me the most,” and writing about it, changes lives.

Pramudith Rupasinghe Wed, 13/09/2023 - 08:45

The story is laden with courage. It is utterly defiant. This could be on the shelves for "Bibliotherapy". Besides the obvious impact of the story on its readers, the writing takes its readers on a TGV journey. I love the pace.

Nadine Matheson Sat, 23/09/2023 - 14:04

Impactful, insightful and honest. The opening did not hold back and immediately introduced the reader to a period of time where the protagonist was attempting to navigate a series of emotions.

Book Cover Image