Kitiera Morey is a lively perfectionist with the mouth of a drunken sailor. When she’s not singing off-key for the entire world to hear or feeding her Sonic the Hedgehog addiction, Kitiera searches for the next action adventure or supernatural book to devour in a single night. She lives in New York with her finance, their four cats, and two bottomless pits they’ve been assured are dogs.
Award Category Finalist
Award Submission Title
Edge of Dystopia: Torrent
For six months, revenge has been Darlene's lifeblood. She can't regain what she's lost, but she'll make everyone who's wronged her regret ever crossing her. When she discovers a terrible Uprising secret, she must decide how far she's willing to go to extract her pound of flesh.
From a fellow ebook award finalist
Congrats for getting to the finals Kitiera - hope you make it to the shortlist.
"... to extract her pound of…
"... to extract her pound of flesh." Well, if that isn't the perfect hook for a revenge plot, I don't know what is! Congratulations on becoming a Page Turner eBook Award finalist. Best of wishes on your writing journey. ~ Adell Ryan
Good logline!
Great job setting up an ominous tone! Good luck with the shortlist :)
on becoming a finalist in the Page Turner eBook Awards! Wishing you every success for the shortlist!