Tom Shimandle

Tom Shimandle is a film crew freelancer, writer, and director based in Chicago. He specializes in lighting & camera on set, having headed departments on indie and studio productions alike. In between the long hours, he occasionally remembers to direct a music video or write a screenplay.

An avid fan of cinema, nerd culture, and comedy in all its forms, Tom is excited to showcase his pilot, “Day Players,” a snarky but devoted love letter the working stiffs of Hollywood.

Shimandle’s life goals include making you laugh, having naturally-occurring blue hair, and improving as a visual storyteller.

Award Category
Screenplay Award Category
A newcomer production assistant finds her family in a group of eclectic crew members working on a TV show, and together they navigate the pressure, silliness, and magic of filmmaking, one dead-eyed smoke break at a time.
Day Players
My Submission

My first ten pages are attached in PDF format.


Catalina Lowe Thu, 22/09/2022 - 21:33

Distinguishable characters, sharp dialogue to give us a humorous look behind the scenes into the chaos and stress that goes into the making of a TV show. Great job!