Rick Lee

Richard Authier Lee has worked in broadcasting, news writing, media relations and nonprofit management. He holds a degree in Communications from the University of New Hampshire, earned in a previous century.

He worked with transmitters and electronics for years and observed the effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Luminous watch faces would spontaneously glow near the powerful radio transmitters. Microwave transmitters, when turned on while technicians were working on them, caused burns on their internal organs despite the skin not sensing any heat. Lee, a nonprofit CEO in Maine, met a woman who claimed to be hypersensitive to EMR. The germ of his novel, HIGH GROUND, was born.

He researched military weapons and EMR effects for his novel about a coastal town whose residents hate the last member of a wealthy family.

Lee is currently at work on a sequel, ARTIFICIAL HORIZON, and a collection of short stories.

He lives in Holyoke, Massachusetts, in the United States with his wife Norma and their beagle, Scout, who remains blithely unaware that he is a dog.

Award Category
Screenplay Award Sub-Category
Golden Writer
High Ground
My Submission