Phil Johnson

Hi, I’m Phil, a former radio and TV reporter/producer in the UK, writing as PN Johnson. My debut novel, Killer in the Crowd was published in 2022 by Burning Chair Publishing, London. It was a Finalist in these awards. My second, Run to the Blue! is published on April 14th. My third novel has been completed and further novels are underway. As a former TV producer, my novels, cozy mystery thrillers with a big splash of romance and "Hollywood" endings, are written with possible screen adaptations in mind. Each have "English rose" protagonists with American leads or characters to appeal to UK, European and American audiences. My publishers hold English language and audio rights. I hold film and TV rights.

Why do I write? I want to entertain, excite and inspire with popular commercial fiction. My protagonists are women who face seemingly insurmountable odds but find themselves stronger than they ever thought possible. I want readers to fear for them, laugh and cry with them. I like Hollywood endings which are life affirming and uplifting, something I think the world really needs right now. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy my stories.

Award Category
Screenplay Award Sub-Category
Golden Writer
Run to the Blue
My Submission
