Dru Bhattacharya

Dru Bhattacharya is an author, poet, screenwriter, and aspiring novelist. His pilot feature, The Grey Eminence, has received numerous accolades, including placement in the L.A. International Screenplay Awards; The Film Empire Diversity Mentorship; Table Read My Screenplay Genre Screenplay Competition Austin; Chicago Screenplay Awards; and Stage32 6th Annual TV Writing Competition. His pilot is an adventure/fantasy based on his epic poem, Light of the North Star, which was also produced as an audiobook narrated by Dominic Keating (Star Trek) and Jean Gilpin (X-Men). He writes multicultural scripts to promote diverse voices in numerous genres, including adventure/fantasy/drama.

Award Category
Screenplay Award Sub-Category
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Sean Dubravac Thu, 31/08/2023 - 01:27

A kingdom gets flooded which makes for a thrilling opening but after that, the pace is too slow. 10 pages in and we still don’t know what the story is about.