When North Becomes South

Screenplay Type
Screenplay Award Sub-Category
2024 Young Or Golden Writer
Logline or Premise
When a solar flare plunges the world into chaos and tears apart her family, retired teacher Laurie navigates a fractured America on foot, braving weakened magnetic fields and societal collapse, desperate to reach her sons - one clinging to safety in Africa, the other lost in the urban sprawl of a darkened nation.


Stewart Carry Sun, 21/07/2024 - 10:55

While the premise is clear, it's odd that the action takes place in a 'dystopian' world sometime in the future with references to the pandemic (Covid 19?) and houses run by robots, yet totally dependent on electricity (solar power?). I found the African sequences a bit uncomfortable, with an underlying hint of ignorance and backwardness among the local children. I taught there many years ago and never found that to be the case. And that was before computers and mobile phones!
