knew she would rule by his side
he would pick up Anastasia and they would go out working for the day he would also provide
accommodations with a payment plan for their work. Not knowing what was about to happen
Anastasia took the offer. The day arrived she got dressed and packed her case ready for her next big
adventure the owner called and said he would pick her up in a few minutes she went to meet
them. The two young ladies were in the car with the man and the driver of the car. Suddenly
Anastasia got a feeling and started investigating something that was not sitting right with her. He told
them he was going to take the crew to where Anastasia and the ladies would stay. He took them to
his mother's house. Introduced everyone to his family and left them at the house his family cooked
and offered Anastasia, she told them she wasn't hungry, and the two young ladies ate. Anastasia was
too busy observing all that was going on. The night came everyone in the house went to bed the
two young ladies and Anastasia were meant to stay in one room Anastasia came out of the room
went and stayed in the living room she stayed awake all night. The very next morning the
businessman got up and left Anastasia waited for the young ladies to get up to interview them.
The young ladies woke up Anastasia called them both in the living room and said sit down both of
you. I want to talk to you, they both sat down. She set up her laptop to record the
conversation. Anastasia asks why you are here? They responded we are not sure what you mean.
Anastasia said what he has told you both that you are going to do for work. The ladies both replied
he said you are going to manage us for your business, and you are going to take us traveling to
different countries and will be paying us. He told them a lot of lies about Anastasia she was so
shocked, she could not believe their response. She then turned to the ladies and spoke. No that is
not true, he employed me to manage you guys for his business and I don’t intend to take you
guys traveling to any country and all the things he told you about me are a lie.
Anastasia then called his mother and sisters and told them to listen to what the ladies were saying
She told the ladies to tell his family what they told her. They both told their story to his family
which was the same story. Anastasia then told her side of the story to his family. His family
became very upset because they had no idea what was going on. Anastasia started getting
angry and told his mother she had 10 minutes to get him in the yard before she called in the
entire army to arrest them all. Anastasia called the army and reported the situation her team in the
army was ready for action. She gave them her location
The army set out to find the man. His sister called him on the phone and told him he better come
back to the house immediately. He arrived in a truck and pulled up in the yard Anastasia attacked him
saying what the hell did you bring us here for? He was shocked saying what do you mean?
Anastasia said you have one second to tell me why you brought us here. He started saying
You're making trouble and telling the young ladies to pack up their things and come. Anastasia
said you are not taking them anywhere. He said you can't stop me Anastasia said watch me. She
turned to the young ladies and said don't you dare move you are not going anywhere with him.
Anastasia told him the army was on its way. He got scared and ran in the truck trying to leave Anastasia
and his mother, his sisters and the two ladies were standing on the veranda. Anastasia stepped
forward and said where do you think you're going? You will not drive that truck out of here.
Anastasia used her powers and lock the four truck wheels the truck couldn't move he jumped out
of the truck and said what did you do to my truck Anastasia looked at him and said you will pay
for what you did. He ran out on the road and jumped in a taxi which drove away.
It feels as though the…
It feels as though the entire excerpt is written as reported speech. A lot of basic punctuation and language issues need to be addressed.