Master the Power, Revitalize Your Body's Energy Fields for Health

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This book came from a personal experience of healing myself from a chronic illness. Unexpectedly, I found the answer lied in our body’s energy fields. The energy fields indicate whether body’s immune system is challenged or healthy or strong, giving me a blue print to help myself and others.

What Went Wrong

Man, alone, has the power to

Transform his thoughts into

Physical reality; man, alone,

Can dream and make his

Dreams come true.

Napoleon Hill

Dreaming Big

I peered at the bedroom wall covered with pictures. My dreams! Stuart, my husband, and I created our version of a dream board. Pictures of fantastic times we had together: the time we attended a formal business event; the day he asked me to be his girlfriend; our whirlwind romance from 5,000 miles away, he in England and me in America.

Two wedding rings nestle amongst pictures of a massage at a lush island resort bungalow. My favorite pictures were of all the exotic places Stuart and I were going to visit. Magazine clippings of picturesque views of France, Spain, Peru, and even Thailand where I had lived as a child. My mind opened to the possibilities of spending three months traveling the world, relaxing with the man of my dreams. I was in ecstasy just thinking about it.

Just a couple of feet away from my picture wall was a photocopy of the cover of my first children’s book to be published. My lifelong dream of being an author of children’s books brought me tremendous happiness and joy and was about to be realized. I imagined the bright eyes of a child lit up with glee while peering at my book. “Ignite Your Inner Genie.” Plans for my second book, “Paws for Gratitude” were already in process. I wanted to help kids spark a special connection with their world. I had so many wonderful things yet to accomplish in my life.

The only thing that plagued me was unwanted weight around my midsection, less energy than normal, and not enough sleep. I shrugged it off thinking, all the rapid changes in my life had taken a bigger toll on my body than I’d realized. I only needed to lose a couple more inches around the waist and I’d be able to fit into my dress for our wedding reception in the States. But even with working out six days a week, those pesky midline rolls wouldn’t budge. I looked back at my bedroom wall, and a magazine clipping of a lady in a yoga pose popped out at me: my symbol for health, energy, and vitality. Under the picture was a quote by Rhonda Byrne, author of the secret, written on a slip of paper, ‘100% health’. This was what I wanted to achieve. “I’m going to do it!” I thought to myself.

How could it have gone so wrong?

Looking at the clock, I decided to skip my morning walk with our dog Zac. I quickly grabbed my purse and headed in to town. Not having a car, the walk would take a good three-quarters of an hour, and I didn’t want to be late. It was a bright sunny morning, unlike the usual drizzly, English days. I passed the canal, with long narrow boats weaving themselves down the meandering stream. Beautiful foliage encased the pathway with brilliant flowers of yellow, pink, and purple. In the distance green fields were speckled with sheep and cows. How wonderfully different the views were from the stark brown, barren landscape of the desert I was used to in Las Vegas.

My fingers rummaged in my pocket to make sure I hadn’t forgotten my camera. An acquaintance, Megan, had invited me over to her house after the appointment to take a look at her garden. Megan said everything was in bloom, and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to capture the beauty of her flourishing back yard.

I hiked up the 108-step stairway and entered a passageway behind the thirteenth century church. A quick walk along a cobblestone street landed me in the center of town. It was as if I had strolled back in time. Coffee shops packed with people sitting leisurely chatting with friends, enjoying tantalizing pastries and lattés. I wondered if it was possible for me to change my fast-paced programing and enjoy life as they do.

I passed more quaint cafes and small unique shops of fashionable clothing or knickknacks, interspersed by tall, terrace homes on either side of the road. I finally reached the doctor’s office with time to spare. I settled down in the waiting room and pulled out my book, but within moments my name was called.

I will never forget that day, they led me to a consultation room. A nurse and, to my surprise, a surgeon greeted me. They spoke as if reading a well-prepared and practiced speech. The jarring statements came out with no emotion at all, “You have breast cancer. You will need to have surgery, chemo, and radiation. Here is a book of details and contact information. We need to schedule your surgery immediately.”

My only saving grace was that my husband and I were leaving in ten days to America for our U.S. wedding reception with family and friends. So they emphatically told me to make an appointment for when I returned. Not wanting to confront a possible emotional meltdown, they swiftly ushered me out into the reception area. What had just happened? This isn’t possible, I thought. A thick cloud settled in my brain. I couldn’t think or figure out what to do next. As if on autopilot, I walked through the reception area, empty and void to everything around me.

My first thought was Stuart, I needed to get a hold of him. I frantically fumbled for my phone, needing him more than anything at this moment. The phone rang and rang and rang with each pulsating sound my anxiety rose. No answer! I felt as if my brain had shut down, disconnected from my body. I was unable to process any form of logical thought. Outside the building, I glanced across the hospital grounds. Now where do I go?

A thought found its way through the fog. Megan is expecting me.” Good, a destination.” Looking around me, I realized I didn’t know where to go. Just figuring out how to get off the hospital grounds seemed impossible at the time. I pulled out the directions from my bag. Go this way, go that. It looked like hieroglyphics to me. Rubbish! My head spun. My life turned upside down. Nothing made sense: Megan’s map or my devastating news. So I just began randomly walking.

Luckily I reached the perimeter of the hospital grounds, the roads branched out in three directions. My eyes and heart hurt as I peered at each direction. Help! I just didn’t understand the streets in England. They seemed to go in random directions, where you need a compass to figure it out. So I decided to give Megan a call. The phone, what I’d thought was my safety net, wasn’t coming through. Her line was busy, so I called Stuart again. The empty ring tone sounded like a distress signal with no one to hear it but me. A dull achy feeling filled my body, I was alone. Aimlessly I picked a direction and began walking again. Following the walkway to my right, it curved around a small park as the street virtually ended. I continued around the park, and ended up back at the same juncture I had started. The path had literally taken me in circles. It was just how I felt inside: a disoriented mess.

Looking again at the same fork in the road, this time I headed in a new direction. I pulled out my phone again. This time I burst out with an agonizing plea, “Stuart, call me back right away. I was diagnosed with cancer.”

Confused about what to do next, the thought came back to me, I have so much left to accomplish in my life. So many places to visit around the world. The children’s books I want to write and publish. The wonderful man I recently married. I had so many dreams yet to be fulfilled. How had it gone all wrong, I wondered? What I was experiencing didn’t remotely look like my dreams that I had plastered on the wall at home. My life wasn’t supposed to happen this way, or was it, I wondered? Could I have actually created this horrible experience?

Still feeling hazy, I peered at the houses lined up beside the walkway. Is this the right direction, I wondered? Feeling lost had become common place ever since I moved to this new country. I had left my friends, family, and activities I enjoyed. Now I found it difficult to even figure out who I was. My kids are grown up so I’m not needed as a parent. I’m no longer in the teaching profession. I don’t even have my support system of friends, family or the meet up group I ran in Las Vegas. Somehow I had lost my direction in life. At this moment the dreams I had plastered all over the bedroom wall seemed so irrelevant.

The road ended at a roundabout. Streets fanned out everywhere; now there were three more choices. I stared at the directions again, then peered down at Megan’s drawing. Yes, she had drawn a roundabout on the paper. A sigh of relief, as the thought came to me that things were beginning to look more promising. I manoeuvred past the traffic, to the street at a 45-degree angle from me. Almost there I thought, the third house on the left. Moments later I found the house.

The tension began to flow from my body. I have arrived! Exhaustion replaced the once tense, stiff muscles, with a sigh of relief I lifted my hand and knocked on the door. Feeling the need for this experience to be over, I impatiently stood on the door entryway. After several moments I decided to do the next best thing, ring the doorbell. As I waited that familiar feeling began to return, tension. Panic pierced the silence, “What am I going to do?” I said, she isn’t answering. Then it dawned on me, I still had the safety net, my cell phone, so I rang Megan again. The pulsating beep returned, a busy signal as if her phone was off line.

In utter distress I called Stuart again. No answer. Where was everyone! Nothing made sense. My mind jumped to the next overwhelming obstacle: how was I going to get home? Megan was supposed to give me a lift home. I still didn’t know my way around this town. My body felt like it was concaving. I was just as lost inside as outside. I stood in her entryway unable to think of a resolution to my dilemma. Suddenly a spark of insight rushed in, maybe walking down the street a short distance would give me a clue as to where I am and how to find my way home. I laboriously moved down the street, my eyes scouring everything around me. As I reached the end of the street, I realized I was as lost as before. Not a glimmer of hope of finding my way home and going the opposite directions back to the roundabout wasn’t any better.

In desperation I headed back to Megan’s house, hoping she would answer this time. I knocked on the door and rang the doorbell. Time seemed to stand still as I stood on her entry way, tears welling up in my eyes, still no answer. What do I do now? This thought ran through my mind like a freight train running a continual loop. The only thing left to do was to begin walking again, and hopefully find something familiar to guide me home. I sat down on the steps in front of the entryway and pulled out my notebook from my backpack. I’ll write her a quick note, I mused. The moment you switch your focus auspicious things happen and they did, the door suddenly swung open. Megan stood there like a beacon of light. “Oh, I was on the phone,” she said innocently.

Dishevelled, I picked up my stuff and shoved it into my backpack. Drained and tired over the last hour and a half ordeal I dragged myself in the door. I couldn’t hold these explosive thoughts back and I blurted out, “Megan, you cured yourself of cancer. Could you share with me how you did it? The doctor just told me I have breast cancer.” Megan as if on autopilot stepped into teacher mode, “Yes, I’m studying natural healing methods now, let me share with you.” She began talking so rapidly my mind couldn’t keep up. Was God putting his hand of fortune on me or was it just a serendipitous moment? To have planned to visit Megan before I was even aware of the doctors prognosis is amazing. Who would have known she would have such a massive amount of knowledge in this area exactly when I needed it.

Megan proceeded to give me a tour of her kitchen, the equipment I would need for this journey into self-healing. Megan had eaten a raw food diet since she was a child, so it was second nature to her. She had every possible gadget you could think of to create meals from fresh organic fruits and vegetables.

I was amazed as I watched her pull bottles from the cabinets. “You need to detox your body first. This is the supplement I used. Also you will need enzymes, flax oil is another along with vitamins like D3. ” One bottle after the other was set on the table. My mind slipped off in a daze. I knew she was sharing important information, but I didn’t seem to be comprehending any of it. She stopped as if recognizing that she was losing me. “Let’s go into the lounge to finish our conversation.” She led me to the lounge where we both sat down. Then she continued, “There are nutrients your body needs to help you to combat cancer.” The word cancer brought me back to the present moment. I pulled out my notepad from my backpack and began writing frantically.

Megan went on to share her story of having skin cancer and the process of eliminating it naturally without surgery, chemo, or radiation which inspired me. The message there was hope flooded my tense body and I began to relax. There was hope. Her encouraging words washed over me. Megan knew first-hand that cancer could be defeated naturally. What a blessing!

To my surprise Megan also began describing the importance of energy healing as a wonderful modality to heal the mind and the body. She described the energetic healings she received during her challenge with cancer and the profound impact it had on her health. Up to that point, I hadn’t even considered using an energetic approach to combat such a devastating disease. She went on to explain, “As the body is touched in a certain way, emotions are released.” I never realized emotions were even remotely associated with cancer. Cancer is a physical thing isn’t it, I pondered, something like catching a cold. It never dawned on me that dealing with cancer was more than what meets the eye.

At this point, I had become so engrossed in what she was saying that my anxiety all but melted away. At that very moment a magical thing happened: the phone rang. It was Stuart, and he was on his way. Megan took our remaining 20 minutes together to show me her garden. It was exactly how she described, gorgeous. Everywhere you looked, a symphony of greenery and bright flowers reached out to greet you. “This is parsley. Excellent for your health.” She bent down, holding out a delicate sprig for me to see. “Over here are my tomatoes. Moving over to another bed, her excitement contagious, these beautiful delights are my edible flowers. Then we walked out to see the dazzling flowers accenting the lawn. Now the moment I’d been waiting for: I pulled out the camera and began taking pictures. I was truly in my element.

As we returned back to the house she pointed to trays of wheatgrass lining the stairway. “These are excellent for your health when juiced.” She described how they were grown and suggested we get together again so she could show me where to get everything I needed.

Just as we entered the house there was a knock on the door. Stuart arrived like the cavalry ready to save the day. We said our goodbyes to Megan and headed out the door. The drive home was a solemn one. I told Stuart everything the doctor had said. But we knew there was a lot on the plate for the next couple of weeks preparing for the reception and now my health needs would have to be added into the mix, even when we were in the USA.

Again the pieces were coming together even before I was diagnosed. The moment we got home Stuart contacted a doctor in Europe working with medicinal mushrooms. He gladly gave me a list of nutrients to commence while I was in USA. He also gave me a specific diet to adhere to. My life had suddenly drastically changed. The momentum to move back to health had begun.

Each person I met expounded on what I had already learned. Each led me to the next step in unravelling the clues to achieving health. As I look back on this journey from cancer to health, I notice a distinct thread that ran through this entire experience; Energy. The energy fields around my body became a road map to regaining health. I learned that if these integral fields are off balance, so was my health, whether it was physical, mental, or emotional. What we do and how we respond to circumstances on a day-to-day basis can disrupt this delicate balance. The key is to stimulate this energy to flow unencumbered through the body, giving the body health, vitality, and joy.

What is your story? Does it have ups and downs like mine? I found that making a decision to not give up is the key — keeping my eyes on the pot of gold at the end of this fabulous rainbow made the difference. It took eight years to unravel the factors leading to my illness, allowing me to regain my health- and so much more.

Premise of Sharing

I am not a medical doctor, so this book is written from the perspective of my personal experience of moving my body to a place I felt energy, vitality and peace of mind. There wasn’t just one factor that led to my illness, but rather a combination of influences when amassed created and perpetuated the dreaded disease. The knowledge and insights I garnered during this process helped me to master my power, which dramatically shifted the way I perceive and harmonize with life.

I’ve encountered many people who’ve shared with me incredible insights into the workings of our energy fields, bodies, minds, and emotions. Ultimately, I realized that it was up to me to shift the course of my future. I learned that you and I are truly the experts of our own bodies, as long as we listen to the messages it gives us. Even if that means putting myself out there to meet people that had the insights I needed, which meant listening to webinars with medical professionals that shared healing methods or even a trip to a traditional doctor for care. Welcome to the journey of master the power, where your body’s innate knowledge is the guide.