Robin Korb

I was born in Wisconsin, raised in Southern California, then moved back to Wisconsin, where I’ve lived for the last 35 years. Having four seasons instead of two has been one of the many benefits of living in Northwestern Wisconsin. So is living in the country, because I get to enjoy its beauty and peacefulness every day.

Writing has been in my blood since elementary school. And it only grew when I had children. I wanted to create stories for them, but life took me on a different path. With three daughters, I was a Girl Scout leader for 15 years. We enjoyed crafting, earning badges, volunteering, and traveling in the States and abroad.

Then, against my better judgment, I went back to school after my children finished college. It wasn’t an easy task, but my experience at Vermont College of Fine Arts was invaluable. I meant many wonderful authors, and writers, and found that my stubborn streak proved very resourceful. I can proudly brag that I now hold a Master’s in Writing for Children and Young Adults from VCFA.

I’ve been traveling through life for many years and now that my children are grown and on their own, I decided it was time to plug into my passions. Writing, genealogy, and gardening. I do my best to incorporate all of these, and a little magic, in the stories I write.

Award Category
Golden Writer
The Other Half of Me
My Submission


Jennifer Rarden Mon, 24/07/2023 - 20:57

I think young adults/older kids would really enjoy this. It's well-written, and you did a great job writing in the voice of a girl her age.

Gale Winskill Thu, 03/08/2023 - 13:10

Interesting idea, but it felt as if the protagonist should be older to me, and that it was more geared to a YA audience.

Gale Winskill Thu, 03/08/2023 - 14:53

Interesting idea, but it felt as if the protagonist should be older to me, and that it was more geared to a YA audience.

Shirley Fedorak Fri, 11/08/2023 - 04:57

An interesting start to a story that is sure to please middle graders/young adults. Perhaps revise her inner thoughts a bit to keep within middle grade.

Paula Sheridan Thu, 31/08/2023 - 18:16

This is a comment from a publisher judge who asked us to post this comment:

Really interesting premise. We might like to see Dora enter right off the bat. This might be a more compelling hook rather than what appears to be a fairly normal, pleasant day in Tanya’s life. While it does establish a baseline for her, the earlier the main mystery or problem in the story can enter, the better. The prose is clean and compelling, excited to see how this one develops.

Kelly Lydick Fri, 01/09/2023 - 05:55

And great pacing! I'd love to read the complete MS of this work. Nice job.