Victoria Brown

Victoria is a writer of sapphic thrillers and women's fiction, based in Cambridge, UK. Her novel, 'Darling Girl', won the 2022 'I Am In Print' thriller competition and a place on the Curtis Brown Creative Advanced Crime and Thriller course. She has had a number of flash fiction pieces published online and in print and is now working on her next novel. She's mostly to be found writing in coffee shops, with a chai latte in hand.

Screenplay Award Category
Every night, she dreamed her baby was taken. One morning, her nightmare became a reality.
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Rebecca Megson-Smith Fri, 29/07/2022 - 09:47

Strong characters, good clear differentiation in their voices, what a story - first punch hits into the fear of a mother then sweeps us away to the very different world of Anna. Thrilling, compelling, packed with suspense!