Feedback from writing


Dear fellow authors

I would appreciate you letting me know if there are any published writers groups that are committed to sharing their work and offering feedback.

I made a commitment with a fellow author, with my first title that worked really well, offering the scope to reflect, re-write and rethink the message aiming to convey. We sent an hours work each week.

If there are no established groups that are known to offer such, then perhaps there is one, who would like to offer the mentioned - one-to-one?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Best wishes, Sam.

Morag Higgins Mon, 12/07/2021 - 20:23

Hi Sam

I am a member of SciFi writers group on Facebook, lots of help going on there, offers for Beta reading etc and you can ask advice on your work if you are stuck. I wanted to try a different genre and was encouraged by the group to try SciFi/Horror. My first in a series of three books in this genre will be published this year. I am also a member of Women SciFi Writers on Facebook who are also very supportive and encouraging.

I think what you are suggesting is a great idea if it were based on this platform as well, I would be delighted to participate.

Kind regards

Morag Higgins

Sam Shakes Wed, 14/07/2021 - 14:21

Dear Morag

Thanks for sharing this platform, your work and kind words.

I wondered if my non-fiction/self-development/health and wellbeing genre would be 'out of place' located in SciFi? What do you think?

What they do is very supportive - just what I am looking for!

Best wishes, Sam.

Sam Shakes Tue, 24/08/2021 - 12:33

Dear Aaron

Thanks for this information and suggestion.

Reads exactly what I'm looking for!

Best wishes, Sam.