Lisa Selvidge

I am a writer and tutor of creative writing, and an older mum to a wonderful boy, age 10. We live in Portugal, way up in the mountains, and we have two ponies, two cats, two fish and, sadly, since New Year's Eve, only one dog. Inspired by my son and our travels in our campervan, I am writing a series about a magic campervan, which allows me as a writer to retrace my itchy feet while exploring the minds of children and parenting. Despite having written and self-published several books and travelled much of the world, I have found being a mum the most challenging part of my life so far. I love technology but I struggle to embrace TikTok - although our Shetland pony has a video diary. I am, apparently, a pre-twothousander, according to my son. When I did my MA in Creative Writer I was influenced by magic realism (and realist magic) and now I am fascinated by these different generations who switch from magic to realism with the flick of a finger. As a teenager myself, I lived in Berlin during the time of the Wall and, later, studied Russian language and Literature. Those days inspired my novels, The Last Dance over the Berlin Wall (submitted last year) and, also, The Strange Tale of Comrade Rublov. This year I'm submitting The Magic Campervan, Book 2.

Thank you for reading.

Award Category
Screenplay Award Sub-Category
The Last Dance over the Berlin Wall
My Submission
