Small Town Gosssip

Screenplay Type
2024 Young Or Golden Writer
Logline or Premise
In 1975, Montgomery, Alabama, veterinarian Paul Hartley and his partner thought they could avoid homophobia by moving to a small town, but the town gossip lady has other ideas in this heartwarming LGBTQ dramedy.
First 10 Pages

Veterinarian Paul Hartley meets dog trainer Dylan Mackenzie at a dog show. Dylan agrees to train and show Paul's Airedale.

The two men develop a relationship, but are attacked and denied service at a restaurant because they are gay. Paul is fed up with the homophobia and convinces Dylan to move to a small town and open a pet clinic.

They move to Westmoreland and open a pet clinic.

The town mayor Delores is the town gossip lady with enormous power. Everyone in town does what she wants. Various characters bring their pets into the clinic, and with each one, Delores gossips about their story.

One day monkeys escape from the zoo. A Keystone cops moment as the firemen chase the monkeys back and forth. Paul saves the day by trapping the monkeys. He becomes the town hero, is well-liked, and respected.

Paul and Dylan enter their Airedale in a dog show. The dog wins. In their excitement, Paul and Dylan kiss, noted by Delores. Paul and Dylan don't understand why everyone in town ostracizes them now, then realize Delores told everyone about the kiss.

At the town's Christmas party, everyone ostracizes them. Dylan convinces Paul to come out of the closet.

As Dylan and Paul drive home, they notice Delores' dog escape to a frozen lake. Paul uses his Airedale to help save Delores' little dog, but the ice breaks and the Airedale and Paul drown. Local people rush to save them. Paul is sent to the hospital, while the Airedale is frantically given CPR.

Paul lives and Dylan proposes to him. They are both surprised to learn that the Airedale was saved.

Dylan and Delores' best friend confront her about her homophobia and intolerance of people who are different.

Easter is celebrated with an animal parade sponsored by Paul and Dylan. All characters in the story walk by with their animals as a final curtain call.

After the parade, a Jewish family arrives. Everyone looks quietly at Delores as to how to act. It's a thumbs up or down moment. How does Delores react?


Stewart Carry Thu, 20/06/2024 - 15:56

A clean script from the outset. I'd like to have seen a bit more of the characters prior to their meeting. Some of the dialogue is a bit on the nose, perhaps because things happen very rapidly without much build-up.
