Alethea & The Golden Pearl

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Screenplay Award Sub-Category
Logline or Premise
Single mom Alethea’s powerful psychic skills are reawakened,
leading her to team up with Archangel Michael and embark on an
exciting journey of self-discovery and multidimensional
First 10 Pages

This Sci-Fi, Drama, Action, Fantasy Adventure is based on Janine Regan-Sinclair’s four published books. The lead character, Alethea Ryan St Clair, is a therapist and healer who has been clairvoyant her whole life, but closed it down aged 11 in order to fit in.

Her life was pretty normal until the death of her father brought back her childhood clairvoyance and she embarked on a journey of spiritual development that opened her mind and her vision to multidimensional beings and to a lifestyle that would shake the foundations of even the bravest of men.

The movie begins in the present day, with Alethea writing in her diary, sitting on the terrace of one of her villas in Malibu. She guides us back in time to experience her life and the wonderful adventures as Alethea the Angel Warrior. To a time when she was travelling the world on a shoestring, before she met her husband Armaan, a billionaire Persian Prince.

Bio/further info

My name is Janine Regan-Sinclair. For the last two decades I have been astral traveling and working as a Therapist and Healer. I have been sensitive (I don’t like the word psychic) my whole life and I've seen and experienced many off-world beings because I’m an adept astral traveler.

It's time for me to share my adventures, which are based on my personal diaries. I have witnessed angels, extraterrestrials and even a planet that looked like an eyeball who invented the game of chess…I know it sounds crazy but people will love my life story, I just know it!


Alethea Ryan St Clair - A single mom in her early 40s, she is tall and slim. Intelligent but not an academic. She has red hair and is a gifted therapist, psychic and healer with a dry sense of humour.

Joan - The loyal best friend of Alethea and her right hand when it comes to healing and removing problematic entities. A tall medium-build brunette with a gentle demeanour.

Armaan Shahanshah - The billionaire husband of Alethea who she meets after struggling financially for many years. He is tall and handsome, 3 years older than her. He was a Persian Prince but decided he wanted to leave titles behind and become a quantum activist, spreading light and helping people raise their consciousness.

Archangel Michael - Archangel Michael is very tall and has a

Superman-like body, clad in blue and gold, with big wings, long blonde hair; very attractive. He is mostly sensible but also has a dry sense of humour and carries a big crystal sword.

Charles - Charles is Alethea's ex-boyfriend, the father of their son Charlie. He is tall, muscular and has long dark wavy hair. He looks like an Irish rugby player. He's quick-witted and slightly arrogant, an alpha-male with a very good sense of humor. Until Alethea met Armaan, Charles was the love of her life, though it was a volatile relationship.

God - This character is a stereotypical image of God with a long white robe and a white bed and blue eyes in his 60s. He has an open happy joyful smiley face and a great childlike sense of humor.

Tess - Tess is one of Alethea’s best friends. An Irish woman in her late 40s of small stature, she is hyperactive, super intelligent, and very funny. She is a chiropractor and was a nurse. She's also very psychic and has two children but they don't live at home.

Naomi - Naomi is Alethea's friend. She is also clairvoyant, is a happy character and likes to drink red wine and sing. She lives on her own with her teenage son.

King Zendith - He looks like a very tall lizard man - dark grey and green scaly. He is a warrior and not to be messed with.

‘Alethea & the Golden Pearl’

TREATMENT TWO (Part 2 of Saving the World from My Bathtub)

We begin by seeing Alethea and her husband in her private jet writing in her diary.. and then begin to flashback to her memories..

Alethea and Archangel Michael are entering into the Machu Picchu temple which is filled by a group of 12 Crystal Skulls (a flashback to the previous film).

They then enter into the Chamber of The Wise One. Alethea agrees to be the channel that they speak through and accepts a crystal imprint that the Wise One would like to give to her.

She closes her eyes as a holographic imprint of the skull floats out of the Wise One and moves towards her, getting smaller the closer it gets to her.

It's absorbed into her consciousness and she sees nothing but a worm hole of multicolored flashing light. It shoots her mind into another dimension - a realm that she hasn’t visited before. It changes her and expands her vision dramatically..

We next see Alethea back in her home about to take a hot bath.. she immediately travels to another dimension to meet with Abba (the name her and God agreed upon instead of God, it means Father in Hebrew) – Abba (God) morphs into various guises, one funnier than the last.. including Thor (Chris Hemsworth in this case).

Eventually settling, as in the previous movie, with a long white bearded older man. There’s much joviality between them both.

God wants to upgrade Alethea’s nervous systems so that her light levels don’t become too much for her nervous system to cope with and affect her mental health by overwhelming her.

So first a mind upgrade and now a central nervous system one, she thinks; realizing that she must have a lot of challenging work ahead of her . . . It’s all part of the Big Plan.

Alethea is back in her home - a friend arrives, they chat and begin to discuss how best to help someone who is possessed .. we flash back to a time that Alethea’s close friend Naomi invites her over to a family gathering.

Her mother is diagnosed bi-polar and is at the party. She reacts badly to Alethea’s presence - so much so that she tells her to leave and eventually growls and speaks in a voice that is not her own.. clearly threatened by Alethea’s light.

We flash back to Alethea and Joan discussing this and how it was resolved.. they go to a spiritual church and are guided to close down a portal within the grand ancient house that Naomi’s family live in.

The original Lord of the Manor has been coming in and out of this portal, and once they close it the mother no longer has any outbursts.. finally after 15 years..

We move forwards in time to when Alethea has a boyfriend, Steven, who is based in Dubai. She’s on one of her regular visits to see him, staying in a nice hotel and taken to nice restaurants .. suddenly something is wrong.

She has stomach pain and feels nauseous, she excuses herself and heads for the ladies to investigate. She ‘takes a look’ clairvoyantly and sees that her gut is full of black eggs, she’s horrified and immediately calls in Archangel Michael.

He explains that they are from an 18 foot long scorpion that had jumped through a portal and was wreaking havoc all over the planet.

Alethea uses a healing net to remove the eggs and places golden healing energy into her stomach to calm everything down. She agrees to help Archangel Michaelremove the other eggs that are being spread around the world.

We see a street filled with chaos.. five huge female scorpions running wild and laying eggs everywhere. They have entered this dimension with a matching frequency as our world, meaning that humans can see them and it’s pretty terrifying.

With the help of some powerful angels Alethea begins to capture and net the scorpions. The angels take them away and Alethea closes the wormhole portal that allowed them in.

Alethea wakes up in her hotel room and Archangel Michael wants to take her to meet someone - OSIRIS. We discover that Osiris is an eye-ball shaped planet (that invented the game of chess) - he’s able to give Alethea any kind of download, a language or a useful power.

She opts for the ability to freeze time. However they then need to visit Merlin’s Magic Potion Room for a spell to stop it having an effect on Archangel Michaeland freezing him too.

Merlin provides them with a protection spell and Alethea eventually gets back into her physical body in the (now freezing cold) bathtub.

The next adventure takes us to Egypt. A 12 foot tall Pharaoh gives Alethea another upgrade to change her frequency even further. More power is bestowed upon her and more power means more responsibility.

Alethea receives a message to go and visit the crystal skulls. She takes Archangel Michael. The Wise One tells them that they need help - an evil dark force has taken one of their crystal tablets and has sinister intentions.

Archangel Michael and Alethea head straight to the sorcerer’s castle. With the help of Alethea’s invisibility cloak they manage to infiltrate the room that the crystal tablet is in and steal it back; they hand it over to Abba/God for safe keeping.

Alethea is still struggling money-wise.. she can’t figure out why. She unintentionally travels to a beautiful garden where Abba meets her.

He explains that all will be well eventually and that she must be patient - and suggests that she go and see a movie with her son to cheer her up. Also, because there are some messages for her in the latest Marvel franchise ‘Guardians of the Multiverse’.

Next we see Alethea perform healing on an old friend Lauren, who is troubled and depressed after a divorce and losing her mother. This healing may have some unwanted implications for Alethea.

We move to a Monastic temple - a healing sanctuary. Alethea remembers being here before and is guided to lie on the tablet in the middle of the room and wait.

Beautiful shards of rainbow coloured light emanate from her body making her look like a brightly coloured star. Suddenly a portal opens up and a creature that looks like a Tasmanian devil appears and starts to steal her shards of light and then disappears again.

She quickly calls for Archangel Michael. He explains that the creature came from her friend Lauren that she had healed the day before.

Instead of chasing after the creature Archangel Michael calls in for some help to repair her. A little blue extraterrestrial appears, Alethea jumps up in fear but Michael reassures her that he’s here to help.

Sure enough, he magically heals her almost instantly then disappears again. Then two human sized gold aliens appear from two tiny sparks of light and begin to watch her.. shortly after, five smaller gold aliens join them, the rest of the family.

They form a circle around the table that she’s lying on, Alethea eventually looks down at her own body and realises that it looks like theirs.. gold and smooth and shiny.

She sits up sharply and looks at Archangel Michael and then back at the gold people.. she asks Michael if they are her family.. He nods, they are her stellar family.

She is incredibly moved and cries tears of joy as she gets down from the table, completely overwhelmed by what is happening and what she is feeling.

The beings all rush towards her and hug her. The mother-like figure tells Alethea how proud they are of her. The father-like figure tells her that they are following her spiritual development and that the work she is doing is so incredibly important and that they support her from afar and love her very much.

It’s a truly beautiful and emotional moment and Alethea feels a love for this family that is like nothing she has ever experienced.

Before leaving the father hands her an orb saying that it’s a key and transportation pod, should she ever need to get to them in a hurry. They leave her in tears.

Alethea is about to embark on another mission, she’s fasting in order to raise her vibrational and energetic frequencies before going to Dubai to close a dark portal.

Her and Archangel Michael are to meet with the Lords of the Light on an important quest to close the dark wormhole and clear the planet of all the dark entities that had escaped through it.

The closing of the portal appears to be the easy part.. then they begin to travel around the planet netting and removing the chaos-causing entities & demons that in most cases can actually be seen by everyday people in streets, shops, even karaoke bars.

They then visit the Vatican library which is where the third and final net is required, much to the bemusement and fear of a shocked priest who happens to be there.

There is one final dramatic conclusion to the quest as Archangel Michael and Alethea are called back to the Lords of Light who are dealing with a Scallapoid creature - part-scorpion, part-centipede.

Alethea is asked to catch and send it back to where it came from, a task that is not as easy as it sounds. Archangel Michael comes to her rescue and the mission is finally accomplished.

Alethea is back home. She is back in the bath in her physical body. Abba appears to her; he tells her he has a gift for her and to go to the ocean to see the Oyster. She does - as she approaches the huge Oyster it opens up to present a beautiful golden pearl.

Abba instructs her to swallow it in order to activate her divine voice box saying that from this day forward she ‘will speak the word of your creator’.

Alethea is overjoyed as she feels the pearl land in the centre of her heart.. she swims into the darkness into another wormhole that is filled with light and she opens her eyes back in her own bathtub.

We are back in the present day and Alethea is writing in her journal by her pool in the sunlight. Her husband Armaan has just got back from the gym and suggests they go for lunch after she’s finished.

She reflects on how lucky she is to live such an extraordinary life, well aware of the fact that many people who hear her stories think of her as crazy.

As she looks out at the beautiful view of trees and the coastline in the distance she certainly doesn’t let that bother her.Its a crazy world!

“One thing I do know is that I'm the luckiest woman in the world. And all because I believe in more, so much more than merely one dimension. Open your mind and you can fly.” JRS

She lies back in the sun and within seconds Pegasus the white winged stallion comes to take her for a ride - they fly off into the distance ..the universe, stars and wormholes of brilliant light surrounding them.

To Be Cont’d


Stewart Carry Wed, 31/07/2024 - 10:11

This feels like a composite of different familiar stories/movies spliced together. The set-up is a bit of a cliche to be honest and begs the question: 'What is different about this story?' Unfortunately the answer isn't in the first 10 pages.
