Rohan and Nyra and The Big Sisters Bet

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Logline or Premise
Rohan can’t wait for his big sister Nyra to come home, but when she does, she has a surprise in store for him.

What starts off as a fun game of playing catch soon turns into a powerful, loving lesson on gambling and greed that Rohan will never forget. Discover what awaits in Big Sister’s Bet!
First 10 Pages

The weekend had arrived. Rohan sat, tapping his feet.
He watched from his window as the cars drove past his street. He heard a loud horn BEEP. A red car rolled into view.
Rohan burst from his bedroom, and down the stairs he flew.

He rushed to open the front door; as he pulled it back,
a girl came up to him. She was holding a backpack.
“I bet Dad you would be late,” Rohan said with a grin.
The girl laughed, then asked, “Are you going to let me in?” Rohan jumped and wrapped his arms around his big sister. He did not want to hide just how much he had missed her.

“I have a gift,” Nyra said, reaching into her pack.
“I wasn’t sure if you wanted it in brown or black.”
She tossed Rohan a football and pointed to the yard.
“Want to throw a few?” She winked. “Or is throwing too hard?”

Rohan could not wait. He put on his jacket and shoes. A challenge from his sister—he would never refuse.

So out the door they went, like so many times before, but this time was special. Nyra had something in store. She threw the football to Rohan, who caught it with ease. He tossed the ball back to her after dodging some trees.

He then danced around Nyra. “Is that all that you’ve got?”

Nyra smirked and shrugged her shoulders. “Well, maybe it’s not.”

“I’ll make you a bet,” she said, “that Dad once made with me. I think that you’ll like it, but I guess we’ll have to see.
Let’s keep this game going, and for each catch that you make, I will give you a dollar, no tricks. It’s yours to take.

We can keep playing until you say you want to stop,
but if at any point the football happens to drop,
then all the money is lost, and the game will be done.
So, what do you think, Rohan? Does this challenge sound fun?”

Rohan leapt into the sky. “This game will be easy!”
He did his touchdown dance, which looked completely cheesy. Then he glanced at his wrist with a glimmer in his eye.
A new toy watch was exactly what he hoped to buy.

Nyra passed the football. Rohan caught it with both hands. He cheered and pointed to his imaginary fans.
“That’s one dollar,” Nyra said. She signaled for the ball.
She then threw a few more passes. Rohan caught them all.

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